Amazing Asian Food… Discover Asian Food One Region at a Time!

Discover Asian Food One Region at a Time!

At Amazing Asian Food, we explore regional Asian food, recipes, cooking, tools, and travel! We love to learn about and share regional Asian food culture.

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Experience regional Asian food culture here!

I love to cook! I love the excitement of discovering food and flavors I have never tasted before, finding the ingredients at my local Asian and fresh markets, learning the authentic cooking techniques and tools, and then bringing it all together in my kitchen for the enjoyment of my family and friends.

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Amazing Asian Food - Visiting southern Thailand during Songkran (Thai New Year)


Amazing Asian Food - Thailand's Isaan region cooking tools - clay mortar and wood pestle, and sticky rice steamer


Amazing Asian Food - Hot and Sour ingredients from China's Jiangsu region Wuxi city


Amazing Asian Food - Colorful Chinese snacks beautifully presented in a Beijing store


Amazing Asian Food - Southern Thailand region fresh market ingredients
Amazing Asian Food – Southern Thailand region fresh market ingredients

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“Starting my initial blog, and becoming a blogger has easily been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done…”

Mark Wiens –