
Welcome to Amazing Asian Food!

Hi, I’m Ron Jacobsen and I want to welcome you to AmazingAsianFood.com.  Thank you so much for taking time to learn more about who we are.  AmazingAsianFood.com is about discovering Asian food with a focus on the unique regional flavors and cooking methods within each country.  We have a passion for learning about the culture, tools, techniques, ingredients, and people that make these regional dishes so amazing.  We share what we learn to inspire you to eat new foods, cook new dishes, and change your views on Asian food and culture.  We do this through stories about our personal experiences and travels, talking with local Asian restaurants and markets, sharing recipes we love, and telling you about great tools you can use to make amazing Asian food at home.

About this Project

I started this project at the end of 2019.  As I write this now (Jan 5, 2020), I am 2 weeks into the project (So yeah, it’s kinda new)!  I don’t think that I have been more excited about a new project than AmazingAsianFood.com!  This project is a culmination of my personal influences, passions, and experiences centered around cooking, eating, and discovering Asian food.

I am committed to sharing useful, detailed, relevant, engaging, inspiring, and personal stories and tips about my lifelong journey discovering Asian food, people, culture, flavors, and cooking.


I live with my wife and son in Puyallup, Washington, USA, a little town in a local region near Seattle called South Puget Sound.  When I am not passionately engaged in sharing, cooking, eating, and discovering amazing Asian food, I work full time helping a 100+ year old manufacturing company innovate and develop new markets, solutions, and methods.

My family is everything!  They inspire me to cook and share my passion for Asian food!  And my teenage son Ethan created the AmazonAsianFood logo with the wok image at the center (I hope you love it as much as I do)!

Discover Asian Food One Region at a Time!

I could say this project is about me, but it is really about so many family, friends, and people I have met and have yet to meet!  I am grateful for your love and support and hope you will continue to encourage and inspire me!

– Ron Jacobsen